“That’s the funny thing about trying to escape. You never really can. Maybe temporarily, but not completely.”
Outfit Details:
Skirt: Plato’s closet (C lace)
Jacket: Plato’s closet(Bernardo)
Shirt: American Eagle Outfitters
Boots: vintage (candies)
Love is something more far desirable then something of the obvious: its the principle means of escape from the loneliness which afflicts us all throughout the greater parts of our lives. Valentines day is near so I decided to escape to Fort Ben Park. I am not in a relationship so valentines day is not of a huge importance or a huge dread to me. What I love about valentines day is probably all the color blocks of red and pink, and all the heart shape of sweet entailing romance, and sometimes you never know know how the night might end. But what I probably would dislike about valentines day would probably be the pressure it might put on my relationship or really just on myself. So why not escape to a world that we can only image or find ourselves at ease. This outfit is very comfortable but at the same time feels like something that is inflamed of the heart and so when wearing it, it makes escaping merely a thought. But the pop of red is to remind us to go back or to wherever loved ones are because that likely is where of certain parts our hearts have been hidden. So hurry and take back that part of your heart that’s hidden, collect those hugs and stolen kisses, and hold on tight and never let go because love that rare doesn’t come around everyday. We can never truly escape, maybe temporarily but not indefinite. I escape to find myself in the ranks of the insane and the talent creative, why you escape to find yourself at?
Very fuzzy texture! Oh so warm!
Outfit Details:
Outfit Details:
Coat: Urban Outfitters
Sweater: Forever21
Pants:TJ Maxx(brand: Dndigo Rein)
Boots: vintage
Hello guys if your reading this then you are actually reading my VERY first ever post on WordPress! Which is very exciting because not only am I completely WordPress challenged but I have been looking up YouTube tutorials for months thinking how am I going to start fresh and create a blog on a platform I absolutely do not understand and as I’m writing this I definitely still do not understand it but I understand it a lot better than I did months ago (thank you YouTube). But I may not know much But with MAJOR help from pipdig, Blog Milk Shop and some fellow bloggers we have helped me get to where I am now, and guys things are still under maintenance so if you see things changing don’t be surprise. Guys I am here In Indianapolis Indiana and it most definitely is winter. This Haitianista (Haitian-Fashion, I will mention this word quit a lot in my post so pay close attention) does not like the winter; of course because we island girls prefer nothing but 85 degrees and above. One very important thing you guys should learn about me is that I DO NOT like to be COLD! Which is why this Urban Outfitter fuzzy Ecote pile Overcoat is like cuddling with a bear, except a nicer friendly one. I absolutely love this coat! I was really in need of a warm one this winter. It keeps me so warm, so beware people will request warm hugs from you. I’ve been wearing it everywhere, so I get a lot of complements on it, its perfect for everyday wear and looks great with denim to leather to casual and dressy. I recommend this coat to anyone looking to amp their style up during the winter. “Ecote”may just be a brand that I love but I’m changing it to an actual word meaning: new beginnings-new beginnings for me, new beginnings for this blog and me head, so new beginnings to us.
P.S : Guys since my site it still under maintenance and I’m still figuring things out would love some feedback whether it’s about figuring out WordPress, best plugins for site, widgets, how the site looks overall(if its easy for you guys to read;what is what isn’t), etc….any feedback would be great.